Behavioral Symptoms
• Excessive handwashing or cleaning
• Repeatedly checking locks, appliances, or switches
• Arranging items in a specific, rigid order
• Counting or repeating actions to a specific number
• Avoidance of situations that trigger obsessions
• Seeking constant reassurance from others
• Spending excessive time on rituals
• Intrusive thoughts or images causing distress
• Compulsive hoarding or difficulty discarding items
• Repeatedly questioning decisions or actions
Physical Symptoms
• Chapped or raw skin from excessive washing
• Fatigue from spending hours on compulsive behaviors
• Tension headaches or muscle aches
• Gastrointestinal discomfort from stress or anxiety
• Shortness of breath during obsessive episodes
• Increased heart rate or palpitations
• Sweating or clammy hands
• Restlessness or physical agitation
• Sleep disturbances due to intrusive thoughts
• Physical exhaustion from mental strain